Trail Riding

• Horse must be owned & ridden by an MHA member.
• Participate in Organized Trail Rides of three (3) hours or more held anywhere
• Keep track of your rides & hours on the Trail Ride Log 2025
• Submit your Trail Ride Log along with $4 per ride to the MHA Point Scoring Secretary by October 1st.
• Earn ANNUAL RECOGNITION for at least 75, 150, & 200 miles per horse/rider combination
• Earn HORSE LIFETIME RECOGNITION starting a 500 miles; & additional 250 miles
• Earn RIDER LIFETIME RECOGNITION for 1,000; 3,000 and 5,000 miles
• Refer to MHA Rule Book for complete details
• Questions?? Contact MHA Administrator/ Point Scoring Secretary

Trail Ride Organization Links & Contacts:

New Hampshire Horse & Trail
New England Horse & Trail
S.M.A.R.T (Southern Maine Association for Riding Trails)
E-mail Sandy Galameau