For Show Personnel

2025 Updates For Management

2024 RULE BOOK is posted on line.

Farrier or blacksmith is no longer required for one-day C and D shows. Please note that NEHC does require a blacksmith or farrier for ALL shows.

For a synopsis of “housekeeping” & other changes, please scroll down. Thank you.

Updates For Stewards

REMINDER: If a show is also affiliated with NEHC, MHA will accept the NEHC STEWARDS REPORT with the following adjustments: Where is says ‘NEHC’ (items 1, 2, 3, and 11) substitute ‘MHA’ when answering the question. Ignore #12 about the Medal classes.

Farrier or blacksmith is no longer required for one-day C and D shows.

For a synopsis of “housekeeping” & other changes, please scroll down. Thank you.

FORMS for Show Management:

*Obtain a Affiliation Form
*Review your prize list with the Prize List Editor’s actual
2023 Prizelist Checklist

Obtain a 2025 Show Return Form

MHA Secretary
Morgan Schlaack
3 Store Rd
Bowdoin, Maine 04287

FORMS for Exhibitors

MHA 2025 Membership Application
MHA Member Show Evaluation

The Steward’s Report

The Steward’s Report is Due within SEVEN (7) days to
MHA Judge’s & Steward’s Committee Chair:

Jo Hight
137 Spurwink Rd
Scarborough, ME 04074

For shows not affiliated with NEHC OR if you would rather use MHA’s form click on MHA Steward’s Report

REMINDER: There is a $25 fine for failure to meet the time deadline. If you are close to the deadline please enclose a postal verification from the post office.
Please send a copy of the Steward’s Report directly to the Manager of the show for which you worked, and keep a copy for your records.

Show Season Rule Changes & Adjustments



Open to riders 13 years of age and over.  All classes shall accrue to one award.  Rider may not compete in any other hunter/jumping seat equitation class at any show (except  other 18″ classes) and must not have competed in a jumper or hunter class exceeding 18″ in height.  Riders in this division are not eligible for Hunter Pleasure Equitation during the same season and vice versa.

For class specifications, refer to 2021 Rule Book page AD-12


Open to riders of any age with no restriction as to status. Open to horses and ponies who have not been shown in classes with heights greater than 2’6″.  Fence height shall be 2′-2’3″.  All entries to show at the same height.  Horses and ponies may not show in this division for more than two years.  To be shown over a minimum of six fences with at least one change of direction.

For class specifications, refer to 2021 Rule Book page AD-25

HUNTER PLEASURE EQUITATION for Junior Exhibitors and Amateur Adults

TWO YEAR END AWARDS:  Riders 17 & Under AND Riders 18 & Over (Amateur Adults) May be held as “Open” or divided into Junior Exhibitors and Amateur Adults with both sections offered.  


TWO YEAR END AWARDS — Riders 11-17 AND 18 & Over (Adults)   Class may be held as 11 & Over, Open or divided 11-17 & 18 & Over.


TWO YEAR END AWARDS: ENGLISH & WESTERN  Specifications have been updated to reflect current practice.  Refer to 2021 Rule Book page AD-54 for updated specifications.


TWO YEAR-END AWARDS:  10 & Under; 11 & Over

Open to riders 10 years & under AND to horse(pony)/rider combinations eligible for Walk-Trot Pleasure 11 Years & Over.  If class is divided, both sections must be held.  Refer to 2021 Rule Book page AD-54 for class specifications 


Approved ASTM/SEI properly fitted and fastened headgear  IS REQUIRED for ALL junior hunter seat riders in ALL classes at ALL shows with the exception of junior Morgan Hunter Pleasure riders.

Approved ASTM/SEI properly fitted and fastened headgear  IS REQUIRED for ALL Hunter/Jumping Seat and Hunter Pleasure EQUITATION riders, regardless of age in ALL classes at ALL shows. This includes “mixed seat equitation” classes